There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 170,754,450 Issue: 394 | 29th day of Hunting, Y11
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Wising Up

by can_i_get_frozen

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Aggravated AvaStars #1
Ever wonder how some Neopians are affected by the avatar craze?

Edition one: The Pant Devil

by amelia_124


Twelfth Meepit Show
Welcome to the Twelfth Meepit Show! My name is the Producer, and I'll be your host for the night!

by spoonguardonline


Life With the Newbies: Part Three
I would have cried another river if I could. But why would I waste perfectly good tears over someone that never truly loved me?

by xxxmagiabellexxx


Re: Sloth's Birthday Party
Dear Distinguished Neopian, 

You are cordially invited to Frank's Birthday Party!

by autotune

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