Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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We found the following 26 result(s) for the keyword bearcatt

Week - 339

The Hero Society
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which a certain Bori talks like a lunatic.

Week - 351

The Hero Society
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Blue's inner Superfan is showing.

Week - 361

The Hero Society - #3
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which we have numbers and the beginnings of a plot.

Week - 362

The Hero Society - #4
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which we divert from the plot. Gee, that was quick.

Week - 363

The Hero Society - #5
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which our heroes bravely run away.

Week - 364

The Hero Society - #6
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Blueberry generally defies his entire species.

Week - 365

The Hero Society - #7
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which we have something that looks suspiciously like filler.

Week - 366

The Hero Society - #8
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Blue encounters an obstacle.

Week - 367

The Hero Society - #9
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Delilah makes toast (sort of).

Week - 368

The Hero Society - #10
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which a plan, very, VERY slowly, begins to form.

Week - 369

The Hero Society - #11
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which we have counter-teasing.

Week - 370

The Hero Society - #12
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which we finally get to see some indoor scenery!

Week - 371

The Hero Society- #13
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which there is a gratuitous amount of sarcastic sidekick-ness.

Week - 372

The Hero Society- #14
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Blue has some thinkin' to do.

Week - 373

The Hero Society- #15
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which few wish to cooperate.

Week - 377

The Hero Society - #16
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which turbulent times are to come.

Week - 378

The Hero Society - #17
by bearcatt
Description: ... In which- Oh, so THAT'S where she was!

Week - 379

The Hero Society- #18
by bearcatt
Description: ...In which Blue begins to realize that he shouldn't be so nosy.

Week - 385

The Hero Society - #19
by bearcatt
Description: In which Blue returns to "crazy mode".

Week - 386

The Hero Society - #20
by bearcatt
Description: In which Blue and Bond do not mix.

Week - 387

The Hero Society- #21
by bearcatt
Description: In which many are caught red-handed!

Week - 388

The Hero Society - #22
by bearcatt
Description: In which the entire mission kind of goes out the window.

Week - 397

The Hero Society - #23
by bearcatt
Description: In which this isn't funny anymore. (Or is it? ... No, it's not.)

Week - 398

The Hero Society - #24
by bearcatt
Description: In which 'gullible' is written on the ceiling.

Week - 399

The Hero Society - #25
by bearcatt
Description: In which we have, yet another, not-so-master plan.

Week - 400

The Hero Society - #26
by bearcatt
Description: In which Blue cooks to save his life, and Delilah is clever.

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