The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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Defenders Good, Garoo Bad

Sparkler and I are on a mission. We were sent by the Defenders of Neopia to locate Commander Garoo and bring him to justice...

by nut862
400th NT Issue Interviews ~ Not Worth the Headache

Strobe lights magically turn on, accompanied by streamers, confetti, bright lights, and cheesy game show music. Dr. Frank Sloth appears in the doorway...

by crazy_4_sushi
Celebrate the 400th with 400NC!

How best to spend your 400NC budget in celebration of the 400th edition of the Neopian Times!

by destinationxunknown
Too Many Good Entries

This, the so-called "TMGE," is the bane of every Neopian Times writer's existence.

by teaspill
Awesome Petpages: Beyond a Shadow of Default

A petpage? What would anybody do with that?

Quite a lot, as it turns out.

by neesboy

400 Ways to Effectively Communicate With Your Petpet

Your petpet isn't the one who doesn't make sense – you are the nonsensical one.

by twocents
An Open Letter of Non-Praise

The Neopian Times is in dire straits.

by autotune
The Neopian Times Phrases

Where did they come from? What do they mean? We are here to help in the first ever compilation of the Neopian Times Random Phrases.

by ginny_invisible
What Neopian Holiday Are You?

What Neopets festival could you be?

by pink_pony13
Three Ixi You Should Be Aware Of!

Let us look at three of the most famous Ixi, from different parts of the globe, who have left their mark in Neopia.

by truely_hyper
Krawk Island Takes First In the Altador Cup IV!

The Altador Cup came to a close this past Sunday, crowning Krawk Island as the fourth champion in the tournament's history.

by daisygirl88_5
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"Paper Butterflies" by ralph89170
He pins the Neopian Times on his wall, frames and hangs them like butterflies. They are dusted every day, and the pages still smell of that lovely, fresh, new book smell. If anyone were to open the pages, they would crackle...

Other Stories


Actions and Words
This part of my story began in the Pound, just like many other Neopets.

by blackghoulmon


Unlucky Issue Four Hundred
The magazine was the four hundredth issue of "Neopia Fashion Monthly," and it lay open to the page that had just informed Phairix that her long trunk was just not "in."

by taipeiss


In The Yooyu Cage: Part Four
Faerie tumbled down the Yooyu chute, gasping. "OMIGRARRL!" she yelled at the top of her lungs...

by hidden_cloak


A Single Prediction: Part Three
It felt wrong withholding information from the person who had hired him. The Techo almost spoke up, but stopped himself. He had a good reason for keeping it quiet.

by be2aware


Cakes and Doughnuts!
Maybe someone else should do the shopping.

by shukaku13


Just Sit
Conspiracy, anyone...?

by katopia12

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