Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword deleted_milk

Week - 403

Say What?
by deleted_milk
Description: I'd do it for juice.

Week - 411

Say What?: Turm-ination part 1 of 3
by deleted_milk
Description: Let's go wake up the Great Turmaculus.

Week - 412

Say What?: Turm-ination part 2 of 3
by deleted_milk
Description: Nothing happened, what a shame!

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The Study of Maraquan Pets
Question: Can Maraquan pets live without water?

Answer: Of course not! All neopets need to drink water!

by butter_bar12


Ember and the Chocolate Ball: Part Three
There was a chocolate fountain comparable in size to the famous Money Tree, numerous games with unreleased chocolate delicacies as prizes, and an enormous chocolate cake draped in strawberry frosting and realistic candy flowers...

by hc_huggle


Well, that's news to me!

by ghostkomorichu


Grey Pets are the butt of everyone's jokes.

by mstr_dark


The Greatest Story Never Told: Part One
"He can't let the truth get out now, can't you see? Our story would ruin him, he knew it would!"

by tanikagillam

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