The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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Shenkuu Warrior: The Ascent to the Peak

What is Shenkuu Warrior, and how is it played? A few tips to assist you in climbing to the peak.

by kathleen_a_b
Gwyl's Great Escape Guide

As flash games go, Gywl's Great Escape is one of the hidden gems on Neopets. Rather than requiring the lightning reflexes needed for many other games, this is a game requiring precision, control and judgment.

by htamale
Recovering from the Lucky Streak Blues

Bilge Dice. Wait, no, not the game. You hate the game. You're here for that avatar, the Lucky Streak one. Not that you've ever come close to getting it.

by wellesley_girls
Concert Chronicles

Read about your favorite concerts to help you decide for your next visit!

by kmj218
The Study of Maraquan Pets

Question: Can Maraquan pets live without water?

Answer: Of course not! All neopets need to drink water!

by butter_bar12

Supply and Demand: Neopets Style

Have you ever asked why Pirate Paint Brushes are unbelievably costly? Maybe this article will answer that question.

by mint_green_
The Five Unknown Heroic Illnesses

Many heroes of Neopia have very small, almost perfectly hidden illnesses...

by marina5_55
The Inflation Blame Game

It seems perfectly clear that gaming is the only cause of inflation. But here's the sticking point: It's not. I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.

by teaspill
The Neopian Food Review: Tyrannian Foods

Possibly the nastiest review yet.

by mrpanda1
Fabulous Fashions - Dress for School Success!

Now that school is starting up again, it's time to think of some stylish pants, skirts, tops, and shoes, oh my! After all, we can't go to class in our pajamas and definitely not in last year's fashions.

Also by lily_evans11

by sk8brdrme

An All Inclusive Guide to Grarrl Day

You may be wondering what is so special about Grarrl Day... maybe not, but that's okay. This guide will help you understand the awesomeness that we call "Grarrl Day."

by xilimirg
Search the Neopian Times


"DI Cenlyr and The Case of the Coffee Shop Mynci" by archrona
He nodded, picking his newspaper up again, and Julita went to check on a pair of Kikos sitting at a corner table. When she came back to ask if the yellow Gelert wanted a refill, he declined regretfully and stood up, saying he had to leave now. He held out his hand for Julita to shake, with another broad grin. She felt one of his claws...

Other Stories


Scars: X Marks the Parlax
"I've been talking to a lot of people around here, and there's only one possible way Parlax got his scar..."

by tashni


Tauri's Big Day
This was the fifth day she had been at the Space Station, simply looking at people strolling past. They all seemed to have such interesting lives.

Also by ennaxor60

by lobstrosities


The Dangers of Being A Faerieland Reporter: Part Three
I struggled to remember what day it was and then soon came to an assertion that I had dreaded. It was the date of my trial.

by black_skull725


Underdogs: Part Six
The rescue workers kept moving, methodically working their way down the mountain. That Lupe had delayed them.

Art by nut862

by nut862


Neopian Anomaly
Whatever speed the wind blows...

by lizica166


Hunt for the Ray: Part 4
Hey, kid...

Art by ebily

by frankie8492

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