Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword rocknrollpup95

Week - 357

To Help A Faerie
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Jhudora grabbed the potion next to it and stuck it in front of my face. "One drop of this potion on you, and you will wish you never existed..."

Week - 363

Friendship in an Igloo
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Mika had totally forgotten. How could she forget Half Price Day? She was always all over the place too! "Oh yeah!" Mika cried. "It's Half Price Day!"

Week - 365

A Neopian Citizen
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Once upon a time, when Neopia had just started to grow as a society, there were two very good friends.

Week - 384

Dear Diary
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Jhudora picked the small book up. It was dusty and had no title. She opened it and blew some dust off.

Week - 389

A Lonely Place
by rocknrollpup95
Description: At least here at the Presidential Palace, he got room service, access to the pool and the restaurant. It wasn't the same, though. He was still by himself and still lonely.

Week - 388

A Knight's Nightmare
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Meekel didn't get up from the corner of the prison cell. He looked out the window that showed the cloudy, foggy skies. There was never, not one single day that the sun showed its face...

Week - 415

The Symol Investigators
by rocknrollpup95
Description: What exactly does the SIT do? Every day we send twenty to thirty petpets from the team down the Hole to see what they can find.

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