White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 182,804,412 Issue: 417 | 6th day of Storing, Y11
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword crazy_holly_ii

Week - 371

A Weewoo's Tale
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: He was a very proud Weewoo, with no master or silly rules to live by. He did as he pleased, day in and day out.

Week - 387

Of Meercas and Neggs
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: One poor Happy Negg found himself situated in between two red ones. The red Neggs taunted him incessantly – they found the chances of the Meerca saving him equal to the chances of Sloth finally gaining world domination.

Week - 408

Making Sense of Food Club
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: Pirates have hearty appetites, you know!

Week - 410

The Gardening Faerie
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: As she washed her hands in the kitchen sink, she looked out at her neighbor's yard through the window. It was dry, sparsely decorated, and... well, it was dead.

Week - 416

Writing and Fighting: Part One
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: I regret to inform you that your request for the Time Repeating Machine to be melted and used for scrap metal has been overridden. The Machine is of much use and is too important to be subject to your whimsical fancies.

Week - 417

Writing and Fighting: Part Two
by crazy_holly_ii
Description: Please have the Time Repeating Machine on standby. I may make a dash to the Space Station in two days to rewind time...

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Writing and Fighting: Part Two
Please have the Time Repeating Machine on standby. I may make a dash to the Space Station in two days to rewind time...

by crazy_holly_ii


That's Too Punny!
*bad joke groan*

Also by kreepyjess

by x_seabee_x


No, Adee, I Don't Think Anyone Wants a Neobadge
Jhudora! What did we learn yesterday about two wrongs not making a right?

by ava_ked


The Possibilities are Endless: Part Three
"Oh, isn't she darling!" the Soup Faerie exclaimed, looking down at the Yullie with large, eager eyes. "I just love petpets."

by majikel


Steps To Neopian World Domination (Part 1 of 4)
There is nothing spiffier than random kindness rewarded with random consequences...

by wingsofathena

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