Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 182,804,412 Issue: 417 | 6th day of Storing, Y11
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Continued Series

The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Four

So tell us, Grundo, whom you serve

And we'll treat you accordingly, as you deserve.

by rosabellk

The Traitor: Part Nine

"I have decided that the best thing – indeed the only thing – for me to do is to arrive as quickly as possible at Meridell Castle to set straight whatever has gone awry."

by jokerhahaazzz
There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Seven

When Brooke walked into school the next day, she could tell that something was wrong. Thousands of eyes stared at her as she walked to her locker.

by jbergz8495
The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Six

"Don't panic! It's ok!" the other one said hastily, holding her arms up. “We're here to help. Listen, Sloth's going to appear very soon..."

by tanikagillam
Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Three

"You were clearly not meant for kingship. You'd do the whole country a favor if you'd step down."

by nimras23
A Roo-yal Expedition: Part Five

"You have landed on Roo Island, and I am a Blumaroo. Only Blumaroos live here."

by maltese51191
Stranded!: Part Five

"Come along, prisoners," the island Xweetok said in a loud voice, and then gave a sharp tug on the rope...

Also by brookeppg

by matilda_39

Inheritance: Part Four

She was convinced that it wouldn't work. Life wasn't like it was for the characters in the tales she had enjoyed...

by shadow_sabre_
Writing and Fighting: Part Two

Please have the Time Repeating Machine on standby. I may make a dash to the Space Station in two days to rewind time...

by crazy_holly_ii
The Possibilities are Endless: Part Three

"Oh, isn't she darling!" the Soup Faerie exclaimed, looking down at the Yullie with large, eager eyes. "I just love petpets."

by majikel
Fireheart: Part Two

Court Magician? That was my job back in Sakhmet, not Meridell. But Elina was probably right; it was time to get a job.

by royal_magicain
The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Broomsticks: Part Two

"What if we could?" Kindle asked quickly. "What if we made ourselves some lovely food – with magic?"

by buds_and_authors
Shadows: Part Two

"Ssh, it's okay, Tim. You're safe. The shadows won't ever get you. I won't let them."

by iris220_ll
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Sense In Fashion

Have you ever sat there, wondering how other people are awesome at customization and you aren't? Have you ever wondered what the secret is to a well-customized pet? Have you ever thought about what color socks Dragona thinks are tastiest? Well, I can't help you out with that last question, but I can certainly help you with the first two...

Other Stories


The Auctioneer
George hated his job.

by evoness


Dr. Death (The Sing Along Version)
Some may look at him and wonder: Does he have no regret?

by natalia_ivanovna


Not About the Neopoints
Why spend time in Neopia if you don't actually care about earning neopoints? What else is there to the site?

The answer is: Quite a lot, actually!

by teaspill


Top 10 Most Useful Advent Calendar Items
The most important thing about collecting is also thinking about the resale value.

by yorble38988


Great Expectations
We really only have ourselves to blame.

by potterphileemily


The Rich Neopians Club #1
For the millionaires.

by citrusrain

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