A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword luxury_tux

Week - 385

Neopia On A Budget
by luxury_tux
Description: It is my pleasure to present to you just some of the best items available in Neopia. These items are so good because they are both cheap and they often serve more than one purpose...

Week - 403

The 100 Neopoint Neopian Readers Program
by luxury_tux
Description: I thought I would see how many different books I could read – all for under 100 NP! That's not 100 NP each; that is 100 NP all up!

Week - 421

The A to Z of Galleries: Life as a Collector
by luxury_tux
Description: Galleries are places where you can display your most prized possessions to other Neopians...

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The Lutaris are Late
Calendars are handy. Especially if you live an isolated island.

by mintacia


Purely for the sake of Goofyness
Inspired by my little brother

by jecruby


The Search For the Perfect Petpet
In the Petpet Arena...

Also by isopal

by kougra__master


Feed Me
Maybe if she were a Skeith?

by shmozie


Return to the Forbidden Meepit Show
ROAN: It's a donation from a mysterious source. They called it a Deus Ex Machine.

by spoonguardonline

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