Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword rck2002

Week - 424

Time for Limes
by rck2002
Description: Hey there, Neopia! Are you bored of eating the same old boring fruit and veg struggling to get your five a day?

Week - 425

When Your Neopet Gets Old
by rck2002
Description: This article is to prepare you to set your Neopet into a comfortable retirement when the time comes (although helpfully not too soon). So on with the list!

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The History of Backgrounds
Pete the green Kyrii settled down on the hill looking up on the Altador shores. He unfolded his easel and chose some paint colors.

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Recipe for Disaster
There's a new restaurant in town.

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The Captain's Son: Part Two
He searched each of the drawers. The Amulet was not in any of them! No... no! I can not possibly return to Auduna with nothing!

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That's Not Normal...
There are many things that don't make sense around here.

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Magical Evil: Part One
She had never left Brightvale Castle...

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