For an easier life Circulation: 177,350,918 Issue: 426 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y12
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 381

The Saga of a Soggy Biscuit
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: A tale of boring breakfasts, Petpets, Ummagine bribes, well-intentioned torture, and a sibling's unconditional love.

Week - 398

Maraquan Crossing
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: "How many Neopets does it take to help a Maraquan across the road?"

"With or without elastic?"

Idea by sariphe

Week - 413

CC's Adventures
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: Where convenience is foreshadowing!

Week - 416

Eat Smart...?
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: Happy Halloween, everyone!

Week - 421

Irregular Bane: Part One
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: Hero or Villain? The question is more like 'Thief or Shopkeeper?' Still, Bane better find himself before his enemies do!

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 422

Irregular Bane: Part Two
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: "Bane. Rancru has been waiting for you since sunset. Why did you take so long?"

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 423

Irregular Bane: Part Three
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: "Oh. Sort of. I got a job as a Shop Keeper, but... I don't think I want it."

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 424

Irregular Bane: Part Four
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: After checking outside to make sure no one was waiting to be let in, Bane slipped through a small door in the back...

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 425

Irregular Bane: Part Five
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: "I'm warning you, Bane, quit it or I'll send you back to the Pound."

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

Week - 426

Irregular Bane: Part Six
by saro_the_legendaerie
Description: She smirked, showing long teeth in a ghoulish grin. "What's the matter, Cybunny? Not so brave and daring when I'm awake, eh?"

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

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The Pompadour Plunger: A guide to Petpet Plunge
You control the Maraquan petpets to collect all the treasure. You are given 4 shots on each level...

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Kukai's Corny Jokes #1
What do you get when...

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Irregular Bane: Part Six
She smirked, showing long teeth in a ghoulish grin. "What's the matter, Cybunny? Not so brave and daring when I'm awake, eh?"

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

by saro_the_legendaerie


TN: Boom!
Hmm. Maybe we should leave that in the Games room...

by sk8tr_princezz


Long Nights
So with nowhere else to turn... I worked for Dr. Sloth. And sometimes... things just went wrong.

by child_dragon

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