Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,350,918 Issue: 426 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Dirty (and/or Explosive) Jobs of the Games Room

These poor hardworking Neopets have become forgotten. They do the jobs nobody notices, yet without them, the Games Room could never function.

by kateee366
The Pompadour Plunger: A guide to Petpet Plunge

You control the Maraquan petpets to collect all the treasure. You are given 4 shots on each level...

by bartdrunkeys
10 Tips for Successful Worm Hunting

Worm hunting is simple, and a frequent pastime of Moltaran children, requiring as it does only an empty lantern and plenty of time.

by redoakcove
The Neocola Conspiracy

Now with 100% more items of doom!

by dandelioncupcake
The Month of Sleeping

It's the Month of Sleeping! So what am I going to write about, I wonder? Those things you sleep in... BEDS. Yes, this is a bed review.

by rck2002
The Sloth Conspiracy

In honour of Sloth Appreciation Day, a few conspiracies that Sloth may or may not be responsible for.

by rock_star_megs
A Guide to Mutant Pets

How did mutant pets ever come into existence in Neopia? It's said that long, long ago, inside of a very dark laboratory, Dr. Sloth spent many long hours working with many strange ingredients...

by alt1981black
Dr. Frank Sloth: An Interview

Don't run and hide, little minion, I have a story to tell about Neopian Domination V2010.

by xilimirg
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"Worth a Thousand Words" by kittengriffin
Dr. Death nodded absently. "She's worth a thousand words."

"Not Neopoints?" The Grundo reached a finger through his cage, tapping the sign on his door. "Everyone else is up for those."

"We get enough of those," Dr. Death said, turning to the cages on the other side of the aisle...

Other Stories


When you walk into your younger sibling's room and find it replaced by something called "Mission Control", the only rational explanation is that you're still dreaming.

by randomsilliness


Grundos, Rocks, and Other Things
He was loaded into the orange Grundo's slingshot, and suddenly found himself airborne. If he had had eyes, he would have closed them, very tightly.

by crazy_holly_ii


The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Seven
As Blaze's eyes drifted shut, he heard his sister whisper, "Please, Blaze... do what your heart believes in."

by bluehamster9981


Hearts of Fire: Part One
She crept into one of the narrow corridors of the Virtupets Space Station. The only light came from the intermittent blinks of the status buttons...

by saphira_27


The Monocerous Roars
With all the variations of Monocerous random events, one can't help but wonder if they're trying to impress us instead.

by dark_lady_gray


A Neo Look Caves & Corridors

by jewelia52

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