A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 179,262,770 Issue: 440 | 23rd day of Eating, Y12
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword blue_brownie_

Week - 440

Searching for the Isle
by blue_brownie_
Description: "I'll leave this place," Jasmine decided. "I'll be rid of the feeling that something is missing from my life, and I'll go find a better home on some other island."

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Dream or Neopoints?
Didn't even give it a second thought.

by roxanna203


Unlikely Allies: Part Two
Babolino cleared his throat. "I know that we're all a little bit touchy because they beat us decisively last Cup," he said uncertainly. "But maybe we should give them a chance."

by smoothiegrrl


World Domination: Bad For Your Sanity!
...this is waarning yooou... domination = baad... not dominating = good!...

by 1992jk1995


Uhm: We made it!
WE MADE IT!... now what?...

by leobart


To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part Four
Tally felt her eyes well up with tears. She had been gone for longer than two hours. She was going to look like this forever.

by water_glass

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