Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 180,042,246 Issue: 446 | 4th day of Relaxing, Y12
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword butter_bar12

Week - 412

The Study of Maraquan Pets
by butter_bar12
Description: Question: Can Maraquan pets live without water?

Answer: Of course not! All neopets need to drink water!

Week - 442

Beyond that Potion
by butter_bar12
Description: I was just a Kacheek. Kacheeks, as you probably know, are the most boring and plain pets one could ever imagine.

Week - 446

Guides that Actually Work: Impressive Accounts
by butter_bar12
Description: What we need are simple, fast tricks of the trade to have a better account. And luckily, that's exactly what this article is all about.

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Pixel Art - Ugga Drop
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The Faerie and the Fair
"Oh, but I can't," Antikia pleaded, feeling a surge of fear rush through her. "I--I can't fly away."

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A Neo Look
I'm going to need a vacation after this.

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Ugga Fly

by kuroge


You're so adorable!

by 0turtle

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