White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 180,042,246 Issue: 446 | 4th day of Relaxing, Y12
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New Series

Secrets of the Space Necklace: Part One

"This has got to be the most boring Saturday in the history of Saturdays," Chloe sighed.

by downrightdude
Caught in a Conspiracy: Part One

"You know what you did," a Yurble guard replied. "You're in a conspiracy against King Skarl himself!"

by luna4400
Ascension: Part One

"The Fyora we all know and love is now going to be just a memory. I cannot believe she will ever be in a state that is truly fit for rule..."

by d_morton
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How to Get Vaporized

Do you like taking risks? Have you ever wanted to annoy Dr. Sloth? Do you simply have a death wish? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, then this guide is the one for you. Using any of the methods listed below yields a high chance of, at the very least, getting you thrown off Sloth's spaceship; if he's having a bad day, the likelihood of rapid vaporization is even higher. There are many ways to successfully infuriate Dr. Sloth, and I've compiled a large (but in no way exhaustive) list to share with you...

Other Stories


How I Got Banned From Kelp
It started off as an totally non-havoc causing trip to Kelp, necessitated by a certain, uh, trouble in the kitchen at my Neohome.

by preencessno


Pirate Jeers
"I'm black-and-white," Roiniy would mutter under her breath, but she never dared respond openly.

by emrozi


How Well Do You Know Fyora?
It's Fyora Day!

by hallie035


How to Get Vaporized by Dr. Sloth
12. Send him a game challenge to play Splat-A-Sloth.

by trisshamster


Ugga Fly

by kuroge


Food for All- Dish #10
Don't leave me!

by maiinoki

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