Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 180,824,489 Issue: 451 | 9th day of Swimming, Y12
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword pixi__dust

Week - 267

Veggie Livin'
by pixie_dust_318
Description: Neopets all over are adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Despite what some nay-sayers may think, like those Chia loving Lupes, a meatless diet is interesting and tasty...

Week - 274

Mindra & Eresh
by pixie_dust_318
Description: I'd like to read in peace.

Week - 307

by rach84150
Description: So that's why there's so much cheese...

Idea by pixie_dust181

Week - 449

Imagination Inc
by pixi__dust
Description: Whut Hairbrush? =3

Week - 451

Imagination Inc: Flexible!
by pixi__dust
Description: Sometimes it pays to be a Blumaroo...

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Erratic - 10%, Mr. Tax Beast? Really?
Isn't 10% a little high?

Also by _fluffy_kitty_

by pretty_kitty_119


Who Needs Fingers?
Well, that explains a lot...

by grammy27272727


The Problem with Baby Pets
Caring for baby pets can be a problem. It is still very much worthwhile -- just look at their widdle faces, aaaawwww -- but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, I can tell you.

by preencessno


Another Chance
You lie on the grass in the silent darkness of the night. The navy sky is cluttered with tiny, twinkling white grains: thousands... millions of stars, and a bright orb hanging in the midst of it all -- Kreludor.

by dariask8_14


The Secret of the Kiko Bandage
Abhari had only a split-second to react, as he heard first a bump, then a THUD, then a sound like a Yooyuball being flattened. "Oof!"

by peirigill

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