Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 181,284,534 Issue: 454 | 30th day of Swimming, Y12
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We found the following 32 result(s) for the keyword hubadawaha

Week - 277

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Comedy?! Action?! Adventure?!!! Yeah, sure, whatever. Just gimme a cupcake!

Week - 279

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: The plot continues... or starts... or, uh..... wait, what was I talking about?

Week - 284

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Poof! ... again. :D

Week - 288

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Well, he did say "hostile"...

Week - 289

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: As we all know, cereal addiction is a serious problem.

Week - 291

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Is there a water faerie who specializes in caffeinated beverages? No. But if there were, bet she'd sit in a magic teacup!

Week - 293

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: My admiration for your quick wit is only slightly greater than my impatience for "short" jokes. T_T

Week - 296

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Vrilyo REFUSES to wear spandex. T_T Ever.

Week - 300

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Never ask too many questions... consecutively... '_'

Week - 302

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Aw! I can't stand to hear a little girl cry... Let me get my earmuffs.

Week - 324

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: Offer void if you're evil.

Week - 325

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: What? A description?! But I already said what this one's about in the last comic! Go read the last comic!

Week - 337

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: No comment. Okay, just one: Marzipan. It has nothing to do with anything, I just like saying it. :D

Week - 340

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: The tank is now full. The weirdness tank, any how.

Week - 344

The Bunker
by hubadawaha
Description: A lot of people ask me where Phil goes whenever he's not in an episode. Well, the truth is... he goes to work.

Week - 346

Battle Problems - Bombs
by hubadawaha
Description: One fateful day...

Idea and original script by spiritdweller13

Week - 353

The Bunker - Bonus!
by hubadawaha
Description: Seriously. Don't.

Week - 366

The Bunker - Halloween Special!
by hubadawaha
Description: Halloween: a time for costumed merriment, candy, and unexpected guests...

Also by xcraziesthawkxx

Week - 371

The Bunker - Filler!
by hubadawaha
Description: A cast member of The Bunker discusses the INexistence of a certain location...

Week - 375

The Bunker - Filler!
by hubadawaha
Description: Another cast member manages to salvage a conversation after a major faux pas (kinda-sorta).

Week - 428

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 1)
by hubadawaha
Description: It's probably not going to be as exciting as it sounds. Surprising maybe, but exciting... meh.

Week - 430

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 2)
by hubadawaha
Description: She may not have fingers, but eating sugary cereal all the time makes her hooves sticky. In case you were wondering.

Week - 431

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 3)
by hubadawaha
Description: Do you really have to think about it that hard? You two only know, like, four other people...

Week - 432

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 4)
by hubadawaha
Description: It's all about presentation. Yup.

Week - 433

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 5)
by hubadawaha
Description: Blahblahblah! (He sort of has a point, though. Don't you think?)

Week - 434

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 6)
by hubadawaha
Description: The PPL would like me to remind all of you to hug your Huggies at least three times a day. Thank you.

Week - 435

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 7)
by hubadawaha
Description: It's short, I know. But the plot has to move along somehow.

Week - 436

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 8)
by hubadawaha
Description: You'd be crying too if you were about to get mulched, by the way.

(with help from MarillTachiquin)

Week - 437

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 9)
by hubadawaha
Description: "Baubles" is a fun word.

Week - 438

The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 10)
by hubadawaha
Description: There's never enough Phil in these comics. I demand a refund of the money I didn't pay to read them!

Week - 450

The Bunker - Q&A Filler #1!
by hubadawaha
Description: "All" your questions about the series, answered by the grump-buckets of the cast!

Week - 454

The Bunker - Q&A Filler #2!
by hubadawaha
Description: Trying not to talk as much. Failing miserably.

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