Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 184,475,310 Issue: 463 | 1st day of Collecting, Y12
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword prismfire

Week - 223

Journeys of Meridell
by prismfire
Description: I take it back...

Week - 238

Journeys of Meridell
by prismfire
Description: How can I phrase this politely?

Week - 258

Journeys of Meridell
by prismfire
Description: We seem to be very good at getting lost.

Week - 277

Journeys of Meridell
by prismfire
Description: Flashback time!

Week - 297

When Addressing a King
by prismfire
Description: ...there are some things that you just don't say.

Week - 302

When Addressing a King pt. 2
by prismfire
Description: Perhaps it runs in the family.

Week - 306

Continued Adventures of a Jailbird Shoryu
by prismfire
Description: Ah! Contact from the outside world!

Week - 322

Health Food Horrors
by prismfire
Description: So... how much did he pay for those?

Week - 339

The Summer Tournament
by prismfire
Description: Morris was a small green Quiggle. He sported the flag of Meridell on his squire 'uniform', but expressed his excellent personal fashion style by wearing a fake Lupe fur hood...

Week - 425

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: There's a new restaurant in town.

Week - 428

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: Just eat it.

Week - 439

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: Do you really want me to answer that?

Week - 443

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: YAAHOOO!

Week - 445

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: Enter the "problem" employee.

Week - 458

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: How many times have I got to tell you to SMILE when you wait tables?????

Week - 463

Recipe for Disaster
by prismfire
Description: Being a messenger ball is not without hazards.

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