Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 182,917,765 Issue: 469 | 12th day of Storing, Y12
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword kitteh_love_forever

Week - 466

The Symol Hole Mystery
by kitteh_love_forever
Description: Mr Snookums investigates the mysterious disappearance of petpets at the Symol Hole...

Week - 467

Halloween Blues
by kitteh_love_forever
Description: Unlike other spooky petpets, Candy Vampires really don't appreciate Halloween!

Week - 468

Sad Slorg
by kitteh_love_forever
Description: :(

Week - 469

The Meepit - Pure Evil
by kitteh_love_forever
Description: Even a birthday isn't safe from the wrath of meepits...

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Meepit Conspiracy Revealed!
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Dr. Evil Sweet-tooth
Happy Birthday, Neopets!

Concept by sarcasticdeath

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Genesis: Part One
Perfect, the computer is finally operational again after the crash. If more proof were ever needed for the incompetence of those engineers - there it is!

by d_morton


Top Ten Things to Do on Neopets's Birthday
Following this list will be sure to get you in a festive mood for Neopets's Birthday and jump start your celebrations.

by skizzabella


Confusion and Lipstick: Snow Pets
Places to Avoid

by x_love_song_x

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