The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 182,917,765 Issue: 469 | 12th day of Storing, Y12
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Continued Series

The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Nine

"Not everybody you appear to trust is showing their true intentions."

by xaetear
High Society: Part Five

"Yes, after all, we're both aware of the reality of Lady Cambridge's charity work," Jennings explained as he popped a mini sausage roll in his mouth.

by herdygerdy
The Sorcery Society: Part Eight

I felt like I wasn't ready. I didn't feel ready to actually meet the main character of this story.

by iris220_ll
Princess Mind-Reader: Part Six

At last she arrived at the throne room. King Hagan seemed gloomy. Nobody was there except for him.

by thornfoot2
Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Two

"Can I really trust the word of a runaway noble?" Cenoal asked after the Lupess had gone over the dune.

by kathleen_kate
Illusions of Grandeur: Part Three

Late that night, I paced through the darkened mansion like the monster provincial villages tended to name me.

by kittengriffin
Ties That Bind: Part Four

Layla gazed at the land around her in silence, trying her best to get on Harwood's good side. Predictably, this didn't seem likely to last.

by merlynia
Jake the Explorer and the Spear of Doom!: Part Two

The life style of an explorer: running for your life.

by aisha_enchantress110
Sophie's Return: Part Three

"This is Neovia now," Reginald said. "You like it?"

by chimaera9
The Mysterious Affair At Virtupets: Part Two

I was shocked. Not only had the girl come up with an idea as to who the murderer could be, it seemed that she was right!

by yoyti
Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Three

As soon as he prepared to strike, however, there was a sound like thunder and a flash...

by ellbot1998
History of the Vampire: Part Three

Too late. As soon as the bolt within the lock twisted, the Blumaroo thrust the cage door open...

by dragon_imaginer
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Finding the Right Guild

Guilds are a huge part of many Neopets users' experience. They can be a great way to find users with similar interests and to make awesome friendships. However, finding a good guild can often be a challenge. There are many things to take into consideration when looking for a guild. Also, there are many things you can do as a member to ensure that you have a good experience in your guild...

Other Stories


Big Four (Minus One): A Tale of Sports Legends
He had gone by a nickname long enough that no one, not even himself, knew of his real name...

by kittenkutie936


How You Don't Go About Your Neopian Life
It was a fair day; moderate wind, immensely sunny. Definitely not the kind of day when your life does a total one-eighty on you.

by ukrichu913


Meepit Conspiracy Revealed!
We are very grateful to the unknown malefactor who thus removed all the Faeries with one fell swoop, and left Faerieland open for conquest.

by mystie06


Another Successful Year In Neopia
*throws confetti and cake* Happy Birthday!

by comawhite333


Woodland Despair
Scarabs eat...

by kuraimizuki


Neopian Neophyte - Usukis
They're what's for dinner.

by leedom111

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