The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 182,917,765 Issue: 469 | 12th day of Storing, Y12
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword xoxkar

Week - 423

Affordable Holiday Shopping!
by xoxkar
Description: A list of 20 items under 100,000 NP that are fun, festive, and affordable!

Week - 463

The Top Ten Pumpkin Treats!
by xoxkar
Description: It's that time of year again; you can just feel that Autumn is on its way.

Week - 465

Top 13 Halloween Avatars!
by xoxkar
Description: These avatars are perfect for Halloween as they are spooky, evil, and colorful.

Week - 466

A Guide to Halloween Decorating!
by xoxkar
Description: Making your Neohome spooktacular can be tricky if you are on a budget, so I have made a list of 12 frightful, spooktastic, and affordable Neohome items that will transform your house into a haunted mansion!

Week - 467

Fangtastic Meals for a Halloween Party!
by xoxkar
Description: Deciding what to serve at your party can be a tough decision; you want a few choices so even the pickiest guest can find something they love.

Week - 468

Delicious Hot Drinks!
by xoxkar
Description: I have made a list of what I think are the tastiest hot drinks you can enjoy during a cold Autumn day!

Week - 469

Cakes for Neopets 11th Birthday!
by xoxkar
Description: If you are hosting a celebration, having a cake or two is an absolute must.

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