teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 184,086,337 Issue: 480 | 4th day of Awakening, Y13
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Chombies and JubJubs are Nuts!!

by knimble

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Faerieland gets used to its new neighbors...

by ghostkomorichu


Aqua's Diary
Why must we live in the Haunted Woods? Every day, I stay locked up in my house, forbidden to leave without one of my siblings.

by catloverusa


A Crime in Plain Sight
The crime? Vandalism. The objects? Portraits of famous Neopians. The suspect? Unknown.

Also by ali_goth

by swimvixx


Fated or Fabricated?
Was he ready for this journey, for the discovery it would bring? He didn't know. He only knew that right there, right then, he was going to realize his dream. He was going to Kreludor.

by goo761_

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