Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,086,337 Issue: 480 | 4th day of Awakening, Y13
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Adolescents - Unexpected Newcomer

by kineclap

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Beyond the Blossom Tree: Part Two
Horror made my head spin. Moving? Cleo was... moving? But no! She couldn't! She couldn't! I needed her!

by puppy_girl252


Neopian Anomaly, Part 2
Lost in the Haunted Woods: Check. Not acknowledging you're in trouble: Check. Talk about things you're afraid of: Check.

by lizica166


Jhudora's Big Bluff
What a tragedy! The most powerful Dark Faerie, reduced to impersonating her arch nemesis! The problem was that nobody did her quests anymore.

by atkinspet


Aqua's Diary
Why must we live in the Haunted Woods? Every day, I stay locked up in my house, forbidden to leave without one of my siblings.

by catloverusa

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