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We found the following 32 result(s) for the keyword alex313

Week - 302

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part One
by alex313
Description: She and her brother, Narros, were considered homeless; they had no owner, nor did they remember ever having one. But they had a home, in a way...

Week - 303

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Two
by alex313
Description: "The Orb could do all kinds of things, whatever the user desired. Fyora soon realized how dangerous such a thing could be, so she asked each of the four fire faeries to become guardians for the Orb, and make sure it never fell into the wrong hands..."

Week - 304

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Three
by alex313
Description: Nalina said smoothly, "You're wrong; this quest does concern me. What if whoever stole the Orb found out about us?"

Week - 305

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Four
by alex313
Description: "Why are you entering our fine city at this hour?" asked a Desert Grarrl standing before the gates of the city...

Week - 306

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Five
by alex313
Description: "Does she know...?" Mysia started to ask. She was going to say, "Does she know you're homeless?" but stopped herself just in time...

Week - 307

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Six
by alex313
Description: Illuminated by the light that flowed through the doorway, the figure was clearly visible. There was no doubt in Cleo's mind. It was...

Week - 308

The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Seven
by alex313
Description: She waited for just the right moment before swooping down, knocking Jamie off his feet, and catching the Orb. She soared away, leaving the others standing in complete disbelief...

Week - 427

The Prophecy Faeries: Part One
by alex313
Description: An earth faerie walked down the crowded halls of Faerie Heights Academy of Magical Study, an immense pile of books stacked in her arms.

Week - 428

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Two
by alex313
Description: "By the way," Clarisse whispered as she walked past Bernadette, "I wasn't reading your thoughts, just watching your memories."

Week - 429

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Three
by alex313
Description: Rutherford marched Bernadette down the hall to his office without speaking. Bernadette knew she was in big trouble.

Week - 430

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Four
by alex313
Description: "How can you be Marpameus? You'd have to be more than five hundred years old!"

Week - 431

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Five
by alex313
Description: "Hey, you're a dark faerie," he said accusingly.

"Believe it or not, I'm aware of that," Bernadette said irritably.

Week - 432

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Six
by alex313
Description: "How'd you do that?" Bernadette asked. "We don't learn healing spells until our last year at the academy."

Week - 433

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Seven
by alex313
Description: "It seems the little prophecy faeries have arrived," said the voice with a chuckle. The dark figure emerged from the shadows to survey the trapped faeries.

Week - 434

The Prophecy Faeries: Part Eight
by alex313
Description: "You mustn't touch her," he whispered softly. "The curse is unstable. It might affect you as well."

Week - 455

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part One
by alex313
Description: An air faerie with pale blond hair walked slowly down the halls of Faerie Heights Academy for Magical Study.

Week - 456

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Two
by alex313
Description: The four friends sat up late that night, discussing what Clarisse had seen and what it might mean. "Maybe it's nothing," said Victoria. "Maybe the twins really are just starting a club."

Week - 457

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Three
by alex313
Description: "Sorry to interrupt, Professor," she said, "but I need to see Hortensia, Clarisse, Bernadette, and Victoria right away. It's quite urgent."

Week - 458

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Four
by alex313
Description: Victoria and Clarisse soon arrived at the Faerie Magic Festival, held in Illusen's Glade. "Look at all the people here," Victoria mused as they showed their passes to the guards...

Week - 459

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Five
by alex313
Description: They pulled out the mirrors and contacted Fyora. The Faerie Queen's image appeared in the mirrors almost instantly. "Have you found something already?" she asked.

Week - 460

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Six
by alex313
Description: Clarisse interrupted. "We need to contact Fyora immediately," she said, "and tell her what we know."

Week - 461

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Seven
by alex313
Description: "If one of us could get into the castle," said Victoria, "we could learn more about Imagen's plans, and see if we could even get close enough to him to do something."

Week - 462

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Eight
by alex313
Description: "Claire was right," Bernadette said to herself. "Imagen saw us, and he's afraid we're going to attack the castle. They're preparing for some kind of invasion."

Week - 463

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Nine
by alex313
Description: When the four faeries reached the royal chambers, there was no sign of Imagen.

Week - 465

Hidden Talent
by alex313
Description: A job sounded an awful lot like work, something we both studiously avoided.

Week - 485

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part One
by alex313
Description: Two faeries chatted aimlessly as they walked through the halls of Faerie Heights Academy for Magical Study.

Week - 486

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Two
by alex313
Description: Clarisse walked rapidly down the halls of Faerie Heights, avoiding the eyes of the faeries who walked around her.

Week - 487

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Three
by alex313
Description: There were many reasons that these faeries had chosen to join Linisa, but they all had one reason in common: revenge.

Week - 488

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Four
by alex313
Description: Fyora sat in her conference room. Across the table was King Hagan, who looked as weary as she felt.

Week - 489

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Five
by alex313
Description: "I don't know who this faerie is," Clarisse muttered, "but she can cast one strong spell."

Week - 490

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Six
by alex313
Description: When the faeries awoke the following morning, they felt considerably more refreshed...

Week - 491

The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Seven
by alex313
Description: "Her plan was to hold you captive so that you could not stop her while she took possession of the Shining Sun..."

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