Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword saeryena

Week - 454

Princess of Prophecy: The Beginning
by saeryena
Description: It came without warning. I had never expected or even heard of such a thing as I was still so young. The world around me blurred and faded, and the next thing I knew...

Week - 460

Princess of Prophecy: Part One
by saeryena
Description: Some gift it turned out to be. More like a curse.

Week - 461

Princess of Prophecy: Part Two
by saeryena
Description: "Fate always finds a way, Saeryennan of Altador."

Week - 462

Princess of Prophecy: Part Three
by saeryena
Description: She'd been using me the whole time.

Week - 463

Princess of Prophecy: Part Four
by saeryena
Description: We had spent two days in this cave. I was starving, and I missed Calissa.

How would we get out?

Week - 491

Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part One
by saeryena
Description: I suppose you should already know my name by now. I have already told you one story of my life as a prophetic princess...

Week - 492

Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part Two
by saeryena
Description: I couldn't believe it. For a second, I wouldn't believe it. Her, my mother's sister?

Week - 493

Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part Three
by saeryena
Description: Xandra slid off the bench and kneeled on the floor. Her face changed; tears were flooding from those sea-green eyes of hers.

Week - 494

Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part Four
by saeryena
Description: I closed my eyes tightly. This was it—just like Xandra, I was going to become Katriana's tool.

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