Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 186,164,154 Issue: 504 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y13
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword kioasakka

Week - 225

Ronyshia, Princess of Ahsla
by kioasakka
Description: When the princess walked out of the Haunted Woods, she found herself on the outskirts of the Lost Desert...

Week - 239

Insanity Sparx
by flamefox12
Description: *growl... spin... bite!*

Also by kioasakka

Week - 287

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part One
by kioasakka
Description: "Excuse me, does anybody know where the nearest inn is?" The voice. Arathyne froze. It was too familiar...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 288

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Two
by kioasakka
Description: "Wait, am I crazy, or was this totally broken when I picked it up and brought you here?" The Bori looked up at the suitcase...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 289

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Three
by kioasakka
Description: Sure enough, in about twenty-two seconds, if you wanted to go all precise on somebody, they had exited the jungles completely, and Arathyne could see Geraptiku...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 290

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Four
by kioasakka
Description: There were buttons pushed and sharp zaps following, and then the pets exited the contraption a pink color. It looked like the Secret Lab Ray she'd heard about, but she was somehow fairly certain that this wasn't it...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 291

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Five
by kioasakka
Description: "All right, well, if that's true, then tell me: how did my suitcase get fixed, how did that door just close, how can you hear so well, and how did we become invisible?!"

Also by fsufan266

Week - 292

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Six
by kioasakka
Description: Cera was taken into another room, where countless numbers of pink pets hung out in cages...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 293

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Seven
by kioasakka
Description: "What's that laughing?" the Meepit asked. "I say, Kale, what is that laughing?" Cera's laughing stopped immediately. Oh no, she thought...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 294

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Eight
by kioasakka
Description: "You're going to get zapped," Ara explained, "into a brainless minion of the Meepits. You will become pink colored, and you will not have a will of your own..."

Also by fsufan266

Week - 295

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Nine
by kioasakka
Description: Cera frowned, a look of disbelief on her face. "So I'm going to run away while you stay here and play the hero?" She shook her head. "I don't think so..."

Week - 296

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Ten
by kioasakka
Description: Panic-stricken, Cera looked at Ara. "Well, I think you found it!" she exclaimed fearfully. She grabbed Ara's arm and...

Also by fsufan266

Week - 504

Fortuna Laspus
by kioasakka
Description: It was probably the eye patch.

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