Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 186,164,154 Issue: 504 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y13
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New Series

They Think it's All Over: Part One

"Sometimes, Mr. Black, I really wish King Altador did not have a thief on his council," the Krawk commented.

by herdygerdy
Baroque Storm: Part One

"This one," said the Manager, dourly, "might be less than routine."

by wicked_summer
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The Second-Hand Shoppe

It sits in the Neopian Plaza, between the modern Defenders HQ and the Welcome Center, oft overlooked by those seeking only to go to the Kadoatery or the Wishing Well. It's rather unassuming - it is, after all, modeled after a cardboard box. But I was sure it had something to offer me, both in terms of knowledge and cheap (read: free) wearables. So I decided I would devote a week of my time to scouring the...

Other Stories


Tuesday's News
"I want you to get your lazy rear out of bed for once. We're going somewhere!"

by merlynia


Paradise Island
"How did I get here?"

"No idea. I was just taking a quick swim, when I saw you lying here in the sand. Looks like you took a nasty hit on those rocks over there..."

by mojoschweni19


Summer Days Deserve Summer Drinks
A guide to picking the perfect summer drink.

by vortex_paula2


Inexpensive Paint Brushes: A Guide to the Cheapest!
There are many different paint brushes that don't cost Neopia and still look pretty cool on your neopet.

by fluppee__aa


Did Anyone Else Notice?
You can't exactly ride on your Flotsam, contrary to popular belief.

by cardsperson_ii


Can you sign my living creature?

by zieloh

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