Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 186,164,154 Issue: 504 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y13
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sporty2443

Week - 458

Magnificent Mutants
by sporty2443
Description: It is understandable why some pets and their owners are hesitant about trying out the Mutant colour.

Week - 478

The Xweetok of Faerieland Academy
by sporty2443
Description: "Can you believe it? The faeries have chosen me to study at their academy! I'm going to perfect my magic with the most powerful beings in Neopia!"

Week - 504

Unfinished Business
by sporty2443
Description: Occasionally a passing guard or security drone would stroll by and break the silence, but nothing else did – nothing, that is, save for three dark-cloaked figures darting through the bright halls.

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Special Announcement from the Virtupets Space Station

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Did Anyone Else Notice?
You can't exactly ride on your Flotsam, contrary to popular belief.

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Paradise Island
"How did I get here?"

"No idea. I was just taking a quick swim, when I saw you lying here in the sand. Looks like you took a nasty hit on those rocks over there..."

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Sailing the Stars: Part Eight
"Take this!" Sloth yelled and they saw two large missiles launch from his ship, heading straight for them!

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