For an easier life Circulation: 186,687,340 Issue: 509 | 26th day of Hiding, Y13
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We found the following 34 result(s) for the keyword hedgehog_queen

Week - 370

Messenger: The Journey North - Part One
by hedgehog_queen
Description: We're located right behind the Petpet Supplies shop. We're a little red brick building with a corral, a kennel, and a yard off to the side. A wooden sign is nailed to the door, The Petpet Doctor.

Week - 371

Messenger: The Journey North - Part Two
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Mom smiled. "If you have true potential, I'm sure this won't be too hard for you," she said sweetly.

Week - 372

Messenger: The Journey North - Part Three
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Sorry, folks!" said our Eyrie shrilly, swerving to the right and nearly dumping us upside-down. "This is my first ride!"

Week - 373

Messenger: The Journey North - Part Four
by hedgehog_queen
Description: The swim to Brightvale didn't take too long. Within half an hour, we were trekking wet, exhausted, and hungry through the streets of Brightvale.

Week - 374

Messenger: The Journey North - Part Five
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Pecan yawned as we entered the shop. Lately the Tyrannian Gallion had taken to nestling on my shoulder while I walked, and I had no problem with that.

Week - 375

Messenger: The Journey North - Part Six
by hedgehog_queen
Description: It was still early morning when we reached Tyrannia...

Week - 387

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part One
by hedgehog_queen
Description: So here we were again. Stuck in an Eyrie cab, flying over an enormous body of water and under a huge, floating cloud.

Week - 388

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Two
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Wouldn't you be alarmed if someone had a sword at your throat?" I asked nervously...

Week - 389

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Three
by hedgehog_queen
Description: I whirled wildly around, my mane and wings flapping wildly in the currents, as I was pulled down, down, down, into the dark sea...

Week - 390

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Four
by hedgehog_queen
Description: I don't know if it was because we were near Mystery Island or something, but the water was a comfortable temperature, not too hot and yet not too cold, nothing like the ice-cold water near the Krawk Island pier.

Week - 391

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Five
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Suddenly my line of vision was blocked. I craned my neck, tilting my head upward. A pirate was looking down at me...

Week - 392

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Six
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "To truly betray someone, you have to have been on their side. And I was never on your side."

Week - 393

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Seven
by hedgehog_queen
Description: For those of you who have never seen Maraqua, I pity you greatly. It is a city of beauty...

Week - 394

Rose's Piano
by hedgehog_queen
Description: The kingdom of Brightvale was dying.

Week - 449

Finding Crystal: Part One
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "I have decided what I want to be when I grow up."

Week - 450

Finding Crystal: Part Two
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Um. . .my name's Carly," she started. "I just moved here from Neopia Central with my dad and my baby sister."

Week - 451

Finding Crystal: Part Three
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Carly?" The brown Xweetok lay on her bed, the blankets pulled up to her chin, her hands clutching at the sheets. She sat bolt upright, her eyes staring at the open door.

Week - 452

Finding Crystal: Part Four
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "They say they gave their daughter to a witch."

Week - 453

Finding Crystal: Part Five
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Move out of the Haunted Woods. Even Neovia isn't safe enough. You saw what happened before, didn't you? The whole town cursed."

Week - 477

Remembering Rue: Part One
by hedgehog_queen
Description: That day the bandages came off, and she got her first look at the world for a long time, nothing was the same. Nothing ever would be again.

Week - 478

Remembering Rue: Part Two
by hedgehog_queen
Description: She looked up and saw, silhouetted against the mountain, a clockwork ski lift heading upwards, its lines stretching toward the sky and disappearing over the peak...

Week - 479

Remembering Rue: Part Three
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Both of them had been very smart, and yet it was Larry who was no doubt living in a mansion right now and Jean who was still working as a poor farmer in Meridell. It was all luck.

Week - 480

Remembering Rue: Part Four
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Had her life been better before this? Rue didn't know.

Week - 481

Remembering Rue: Part Five
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "I suppose you've come for a remedy?" the old Pteri asked, his voice a harsh creak.

Week - 482

Remembering Rue: Part Six
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Four years. That was how long her years of instruction lasted. Four years crammed with knowledge that should have taken twenty years to master.

Week - 501

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part One
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "I thought I was allowed to sleep in on my birthday," I muttered, sitting up and rubbing my eyes sleepily.

Week - 502

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Two
by hedgehog_queen
Description: Bluecloud and her family had some experience with finding Selkets, as they had come from the Lost Desert, where Selkets roamed galore. Unfortunately, they were better at squashing them...

Week - 503

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Three
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Do you have a headache?" asked the Elephante. I nodded hesitantly, and she immediately dumped a glob of green goop on my head.

Week - 504

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Four
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Here we are," Midnight announced, as a huge wall loomed into sight. "Sakhmet." The city was bright, hot, and busy...

Week - 505

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Five
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "She was bitten by a Selket, and the bite was poisonous..."

Week - 506

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Six
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "No!" Midnight cried, pushing herself through the crowd in an effort to get at her daughter. "There must be some mistake!"

Week - 507

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Seven
by hedgehog_queen
Description: The gates to Sakhmet were clanged shut, just in case the kidnapper tried to escape the city with the princess. Guards tramped across the dark streets...

Week - 508

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Eight
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "Welcome to Thieves' City," Hotep crowed. "Alley of thieves, refuge fer stolen property."

Week - 509

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Nine
by hedgehog_queen
Description: "So that's why you set the Selkets loose in my house!" I blurted.

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