A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword kristykimmy

Week - 343

Chibi Adventures
by kristykimmy
Description: The Cookie

Week - 354

Little Wonders
by kristykimmy
Description: "With how tall these trees are and how small this wood is, I should easily see the shops or the park. I don't even see the smoke rising from the chimneys of the factories. This is kinda cool..."

Week - 399

Chibi Adventures
by kristykimmy
Description: Avatar Aftermath

Week - 490

The Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter
by kristykimmy
Description: Out of the blue, four years later, I spontaneously decided I was going to do it! I was going to become a freelance journalist!

Week - 491

A Favor for Jhudora
by kristykimmy
Description: "Oh, no! What did you do?" Maddie screamed. "Georgina, what did you do?"

Week - 492

Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter II
by kristykimmy
Description: I had scored myself my biggest interview yet. I was going to write an article on Doctor Frank Sloth.

Week - 493

Enchanted Stories: Terror on the Mountain - Part One
by kristykimmy
Description: I hummed as I set the table for breakfast. Things were looking up.

Week - 494

Enchanted Stories: Terror on the Mountain - Part Two
by kristykimmy
Description: I stopped, puzzled; the book just ended there. There were many more pages, but they all turned out to be blank.

Week - 495

Enchanted Stories: Terror on the Mountain - Part Three
by kristykimmy
Description: "Okay," I said, consulting the map. "If we go down this tunnel and take the first tunnel opening to the right, we should reach the caves that Tae thinks that they are holed up in."

Week - 496

The Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter III
by kristykimmy
Description: "I want you to interview me."

Week - 498

How to Have the Greatest Adventure Ever
by kristykimmy
Description: I am an adventure EXPERT*. I'm here to tell you how to have super fantabulous, awesome, bestest, amazing adventures.

Week - 505

Chibi Adventures
by kristykimmy
Description: I'll never be that out of it, Yanli...

Week - 506

Child of the Drenched: Part One
by kristykimmy
Description: Below the waves a lone figure swam into the depths, a young blue Usul cradled in her arms. She kept swimming until she reached her home, the lair of the Drenched...

Week - 507

Child of the Drenched: Part Two
by kristykimmy
Description: "But I don't want to go back to the ocean yet! I haven't seen anything," Mara cried in protest.

Week - 508

Child of the Drenched: Part Three
by kristykimmy
Description: The Revenge was bearing down on them, her cannons firing. Mara gasped in horror...

Week - 509

Child of the Drenched: Part Four
by kristykimmy
Description: The youngest Drenched sister had finally caught up with the Revenge.

Week - 510

Child of the Drenched: Part Five
by kristykimmy
Description: "It is my first day as pirate; I wouldn't want to miss a moment of it," Mara said with a grin.

Week - 512

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Morphica Begins - Part One
by kristykimmy
Description: "If something happened to Torchio, you could be walking into a trap. You need someone to watch your back," Lightning protested.

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