Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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New Series

An Unlucky Day: Part One

How poetic. Evinti, the thief who had organized countless heists in the past was now the victim of a theft.

by gold_fang
A First Time For Everything: Part One

Nothing could pull Altodar away from his precious books, not even King Altador himself.

by madidogs88
Little Shoyru Homeward Bound: Part One

I was just getting out of bed to go down the corridor and check on my sleeping kids when I heard a blood-curdling cry.

by nurseryteacher28
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Morphica Begins - Part One

"If something happened to Torchio, you could be walking into a trap. You need someone to watch your back," Lightning protested.

by kristykimmy
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"Just Imagine" by sugargirl_kitty
"Look, Koda is talking to his imaginary friend again. What a loser!" insulted Mikey. The bullies both start to laugh. But this was Koda's chance to finally prove Milo's existence. "Milo is not imaginary! He's invisible, I told you before. And he's the best friend I've ever had, right, Milo?" There was no reply. "Milo? Hello? Answer, Milo." There was still no reply. Koda's face flushed, realizing Milo would not answer; he was no longer standing beside him. Mike and Russo began to laugh...

Other Stories


The Perils in Lacking a Book Shop
"But how exactly am I supposed to just write the king's story? It's not like I can just walk up to him and ask."

by coolitiger25


Lost in the Seas
Lucho was a Mutant Krawk who had been born and raised in Krawk Island.

by chrystal_218


Trading with Dignity
At the end of the day, we can all trade whichever way we want (as long as we abide by the rules set out by Neopets), even if the way you trade makes me want to go zeenanas!

by kspare2


Tips of a Gamer - MAGAX Destroyer II
There's a strange smell in the air tonight, as you walk through the mist covered town of the Haunted Woods.

by 9r_waka_tip


Comic Name 2
Why is the Soup Faerie in the game 'Snowball Fight' and why is she so good at it?

by white_draigon



by tooxie

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