Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword tooxie

Week - 471

Lessons and Memories
by tooxie
Description: "It's snowing, Ma! It snowed last night for the first time!" She pointed at the window, jumping up and down with excitement.

Week - 494

The Lost Locket
by tooxie
Description: "Where are we going?" I panted as Lulu glided gracefully in the cool morning air. She swooped down to the ground, picked something up, and landed on my shoulder with a daisy in her tiny paw.

Week - 512

by tooxie
Description: Umm...

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Have Muffin, Will Conquer
"She took the opening bake sale, Sappy. She's trying to one up me."

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The Chocolate Statue
"They say if you make a wish in front of it, it might come true..."

by dudeiloled


Comic Name 2
Why is the Soup Faerie in the game 'Snowball Fight' and why is she so good at it?

by white_draigon


Thyla's Tale: Part Six
A large red flame was dancing in my paw. I gasped.

by chestnuttiger787


A Night in the Woods
Being made of chocolate has its merits.

by proudpony

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