For an easier life Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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Flapjacks - Chocolate

by geckobubbles

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I'm NOT Losing The Bet!: Part Three
When Brynn and Hanso arrived at Brightvale Glaziers, the situation was worse than they thought.

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Thyla's Tale: Part Six
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The Color of Dark Chocolate
The tiled floor was in alternating colors of white chocolate and milk chocolate, the chandelier was made of colored glass the exact shade of a Chocolate Cybunny Negg, and there were at least four types of fountains lining the staircases, each bubbling up liquid chocolate.

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They Think it's All Over: Part Nine
"If one cannot close on the day the world ends, when can one close?"

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