Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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Spooky Food

by anoesy

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Halloween Candy for the Budgeting and the Wealthy
Here is a list of candies that neopets absolutely love! Not to mention, they won't break the bank! That would make everyone happy!

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The Thief's Hostage: Part Five
"The coins were enchanted," her father continued. "In a few hours they'll turn back into carved wooden pellets. And by the time the thieves realize it..."

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The Teacher's Pet: Part Four
"How did you find the attic?" Georgia's voice was nearly a whisper. "I thought I'd never told you. I KNOW I've never told you."

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Once More, With Feeling: Part Four
"It won't be the same, without him in the audience," Stark said.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people here, Stark," Marc told him. "Even if he was here, we'd never know."

by herdygerdy

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