Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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New Series

A Deal with the Daniels: Part One

He raised his paw and envisioned a powerful blast of energy shooting forward. Instead only smoke poured from his fist.

"Okay, okay, smoke is good," he assured himself.

by a_greenparrot

The Witch and the Mortog: Part One

Wait, you say you have never heard the story? Surely you remember the story about Edna's curse, and the bewitched Mortog, and the way Vira became unfortunately notorious after...

by secant
Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part One

"First off, I must warn you that what you are about to hear may forever alter your perception of reality and life in general."

by gold_fang
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Gothic Styles

During this time of year Neopets seems to pull all stops and release a plethora of dark "Halloween" goodies. This article contains a selection of choice gothic items and economic advice to help you make the most of this time of year. Before exploring the different items for each zone, I must point out that during Halloween dark items raise in cost due to increased demand. This includes NC items, which rise in cap value often during this time. So my advice is to plan ahead...

Other Stories


The Fog and the Fire
"You aren't going crazy, foolish wanderer," the voice continues with a hiss. "But if you continue to the fairground, you'll meet someone who has. And then you'll be next."

by little_lady_goddess


You were never meant to be a hero, boy. Stay on the dark side. The winning side. You'll be happier.

by killing_the_queen


Festive Ways to Use Pumpkins This Halloween
The arrival of pumpkins means Halloween is just around the corner.

by xoxkar


Toddlers' Tricks and Treats: A Guide to Exploring Haunted Neopia with your Baby Neopet
For those of us with Baby Neopets, this exciting but macabre celebration poses something of a challenge; how do we involve our sweet, sensitive youngsters in the hair-raising fun without scaring them senseless?

by mrs_cherish


Just Don't Ask - What's On Gogarath's Head
A hat... right?

by raynbow_light


Month of Collecting Brings Good Things
Isn't the Month of Collecting great?

Also by dweezy

by dehoot

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