There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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Unexpected Assault

by sheik_93

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Great stories!


The Switch
The sun was nowhere in sight, having been shoved aside by the grumpy clouds, and Jhudora was rather happy about this.

by maraqua_berry


Family Gatherings: Joy, Terror and Chocolate Cake? - Part Three
I was lost but I couldn't stop now. My sister was still out in the woods somewhere and I had to find her.

by miriel


Spooky Contest
Face pulling can be pretty freaky!

by muggley


Fanetti: The Inside Story
In the off-season, in between practice sessions, Fanetti took the time to visit the Crumpetmonger, known to him as his sweet aunt Florence, in order to give her some help with back orders for the many delicious scones, crumpets, biscuits, and other baked goodies on hand.

by alt1981black

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