Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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Meepit VS Feepit...?

by sk390

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The Crumpetmonger's Nightmare
It was the day before Halloween and Neovians were purchasing last minute decorations and food supplies.

One shop that was open as normal was the Crumpetmonger, and the Crumpetmonger served up all kinds of baked delights.

by chimp_chicken_fish


3 Royals plus 1 - three
Happy Halloween... I guess?

by white_tiger0226


Floating on a tin can... on Halloween
Just be creative.

by zojo_rocamadour


sanity ltd 2
In which Drovic is discovered and candy is exploited.

by thunderlight314

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