Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 187,881,945 Issue: 519 | 4th day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword darkobsession

Week - 503

Neopian Leaders: From Monarchy To Anarchy - A Study
by darkobsession
Description: I have compiled the following list of Neopian lands and their rulers.

Week - 507

How to be Neo-Royalty – on the Neoboards
by darkobsession
Description: Most of us yearn to have our own land where we can be King or Queen, ruling over our loyal subjects with tenderness and care - or with an iron fist of pain and agony, depending on one's personality, that is.

Week - 510

Top Six Reasons For Painting Your Peophin Royal
by darkobsession
Description: Known to be shy and secretive, Peophins seldom mix with other species, but they’re famous for bringing fortune and good luck to those around them.

Week - 519

Top 20 Useless Neopian School Supplies - Part 1
by darkobsession
Description: A list of the top twenty Neoschool items you'll never use, in alphabetical order.

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Recipe for Disaster: The Visitor (part 10)
I'd forgotten about your weakness for health food...

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Cloud Flute: Part Four
By now the sun had almost disappeared and the sky was growing dark. Laerya grinned with triumph as she saw a huge field stretch before her – they had made it to the Endless Plains.

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In Other News: It Returns!
Krawk Island's recent disappearance from Neopia's surface has caused quite an alarm amongst global citizens of late; however, the rediscovery of the island has done little in terms of dispelling these anxieties.

by yippo_yippee


Life as a JubJub - Locomotion
Getting around can be difficult for a JubJub.

by loba_negra


You Must Be Lonely...
But feeders DON'T CARE! ...Maybe I care... a little bit...

by jokehr

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