teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 187,881,945 Issue: 519 | 4th day of Storing, Y13
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New Series

Beautiful Chaos: Part One

"Your lessons have been cancelled today, the King's called a meeting and I need to be there. Feel free to use any ingredients in my stores to make something, if you want a ─ catch that Mortog!"

by tanikagillam
Treasure Lost: Part One

Surviving Dr. Sloth's evil plots, followed by years of flying a weekly shuttle route from Neopia Central to Virtupets space station, had taught the Grundo pilot how to judge a Neopet's character. A look was all he needed to tell that this Xweetok was trouble.

by vampiroteuthus
The Geraptiku Two: Part One

Even others could appreciate the beauty of the island. "Striking, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Sivus agreed. "Except for Geraptiku."

by virtuosoe

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Useless School Supplies

The Neopian School Supplies shop is still open for business, and perhaps for this same reason, and with the absence of competition, it keeps coming up with crazy inventions that no one seems to be able to use when going to school; inventions that are impractical, or just for show, and sometimes plain weird and creepy. I set up camp near the Shop for three days - despite the continuous...

Other Stories


"That is weird. But it seems like you are not the only one whose food had disappeared. I have had other customers complaining to me about their food vanishing as well," remarked the yellow Chia.

by kitty_power_2298


The Princess's Comb
Amira smirked, taking it as a challenge. "We'll see about that. Come on, Vyssa."

by kaddiez


In Other News: It Returns!
Krawk Island's recent disappearance from Neopia's surface has caused quite an alarm amongst global citizens of late; however, the rediscovery of the island has done little in terms of dispelling these anxieties.

by yippo_yippee


Finest Faerie Foods Ever?
Faerie Foods are completely amazing.

by swayamsiddhamishra


Ventures #6
Repercussions Part 3. Surprisingly, progress is slow when the one who usually does all the planning is the one missing.

by neo_coaster363


Funthing Has Happened!!
Is that my shadow?

by white_tiger0226

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