Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 187,618,584 Issue: 523 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword twilit_shimmer

Week - 523

The Figurine
by twilit_shimmer
Description: Bryn Fletching was a child of naught but six when she first discovered the small figurine. She remembered climbing the dusty ladder...

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Battledome Adventures
Ezra the Sketch Lupe takes on Meuka... again.

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Visions III: Revealed - Part Eight
"Oh, you're up," the Zafara said, going over to Nil. "How do you feel?"

"Like a mad Wocky zapped me in the chest," replied Nil, sitting up on her elbows. "What's happened since I fell unconscious?"

by yotoll


The Search for a Home and a Friend: Part One
"Welcome to Neopia! A wonderful place for neopets all over! Now, if you could please move. You are holding up the line," the yellow Kacheek said.

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Tombola's Mystery Man
The truth may never be known.

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Ventures #9
Operation T.R.E.K. Part 3. After a rough start in weeks 1 and 2, week 3 was a bit of an off week, and tensions boiled...

by neo_coaster363

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