Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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The JubJub DOs and DO NOTs of Living Arm-Free

by jellybeanott

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Aubrey's Avinroo Addiction
"Girl, you are obsessed with that Annoyingly Arrogant Airhead."

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When Neopia Turns Evil: Part Six
"Spike! Kroost! Darlings! Welcome to Altador!" announced the Darkest Faerie.

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Woes of a JubJub
Don't you hate...

by xxautumnxx


How To Celebrate Jhudora Day the Jhudora Way!
The best possible day planning tips to live your Jhudora Day to the fullest, in such a way that even Jhudora herself will gladly approve of!

by sychologist

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