Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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Continued Series

Guard Duty: Part Six

Fyora seemed almost shocked as Smith was led into her cell and she was led out. 

"This is silly, Captain," she said through the bars. "I know you didn't do it."

by herdygerdy

Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Four

"You got the grappling hook, Sparkles?" asked Scary. 

Sparkles nodded. "Check."

by downrightdude

The End: A Shoyru Tale - Part Four

After the flash, the entire room was filled with light grey smoke. "Are we under attack!?" the Snow Faerie yelled...

by nintyplayer
When Neopia Turns Evil: Part Six

"Spike! Kroost! Darlings! Welcome to Altador!" announced the Darkest Faerie.

by hannahcreep
Possibility: Part Six

I get to see Jules this morning. We've arranged a breakfast on the bank of a river. I asked that this be done, and surprisingly my wish was granted.

by virtuosoe
Possessed: Part Five

"Rubia! Faith's gone!"

by ellbot1998
Order of Four: Part Three

She came home one evening, later than usual, shaken and out of breath. When I asked her what the matter was, she did not reply; instead she bolted the door and had me close all of the curtains.

by jokerhahaazzz
Grundo on Ice: Part Two

"Remember the back corner of our neogarden which is empty and where you thought of building a shed next summer? We should put an ice rink there instead!"

by klarasaar
Once a Scarab: Part Three

"Tomos upset an Ummagine cart to let him get away, but couldn't get away fast enough himself. He's cooling his heels in the dungeons right now."

by saphira_27
Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part Two

A massive head reared above her, jaws parted slightly. The jaws themselves were a jagged as the ice fragments around her. She crouched low, knowing it was hopeless.

by rachelindea
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Celebrate Jhudora Day

Once you've set yourself up to show Neopia your Jhudora pride, it's only in the spirit of the holiday that you dress your pet up as well! I highly suggest you use a Darigan pet for any of this "Jhudora-fied" customization. Whatever you do, don't use a goody two shoes faerie or woodland pet! Not only will the customization clash, but if Jhudora happens to see your woodland/faerie pet sporting her gear, she might jump to conclusions and think that you're trying to mock her and... well... you do not want to get on Jhudora's bad side...

Other Stories


Starting Y14 Out... Right?
"WHAT, what is it?" I yell at the door groggily.

I groan and put my seaweed pillow over my head...

by naiyania


Secrets of the Faeries: Jhudora
The grass crunched beneath Jhudora's feet as she began to walk through the forest behind her bluff. She had been coming here for a very long time...

by futurevetpet


Five Reasons Why Villains Live To Plot Evil
Villains. A good plot can't be without them.

by cherishtwilight


Infamous Jhudora
I have broken this article down into fun facts and frightening facts, for your amusement, of course. :D

by pinkpaint


Saly's Club: Hobbies
Well, everybody has a hobby, right?

by djudju22_8


Sibling Rivalry 1
Most of the rivalries between siblings in this family occur between these two and here is an example of what they do.

by chrona_cat

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