A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,575,482 Issue: 536 | 16th day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword nova_pulser

Week - 531

Eventide Troubles
by nova_pulser
Description: Being cool isn't as easy as it looks.

Week - 533

Time: A Gelert's Tale - Part One
by nova_pulser
Description: A Gelert finds himself in the face of evil. Will he be able to overcome the curse that has been bestowed upon him?

Week - 534

Time: A Gelert's Tale - Part Two
by nova_pulser
Description: "Just what do you think you're doing?" the Gelert snarled at him. He had no time to deal with petty thieves right now.

Week - 535

Time: A Gelert's Tale - Part Three
by nova_pulser
Description: "Eat up, guys. We're going to need our strength if we're going to go up against the Shadow Draik."

Week - 536

Time: A Gelert's Tale - Part Four
by nova_pulser
Description: The Cybunny stood his ground and stuck his tongue out mockingly. "Look at the big stupid Draik too afraid of his shadow to come outside." That was probably a mistake.

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