teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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Eventide Troubles

by nova_pulser

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A Mystery Island Getaway Vacation – Part II
Today is a day of explorations! But before you head out for the day, you need to get your energy levels high and Jhuidah the Island Faerie has just the thing.

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Ghost Trouble
She should just have been more observant...

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Grundo on Ice: Part Two
"Remember the back corner of our neogarden which is empty and where you thought of building a shed next summer? We should put an ice rink there instead!"

by klarasaar


Five Reasons Why Villains Live To Plot Evil
Villains. A good plot can't be without them.

by cherishtwilight

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