Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword impellent

Week - 544

An Interview with "Bart"
by impellent
Description: "Do you ever clean those things? A lot of Neopians feel like all they ever do is get sick when they bob for your apples."

Week - 549

An Interview with King Skarl
by impellent
Description: "Don't you know?! My name is King Skarl! First name, King! Last name, Skarl!" roars the King.

Week - 550

An Interview with Eliv Thade
by impellent
Description: Eliv Thade has gotten a bad reputation as of recently, between the ghost stories and cryptic anagrams, but now this ghastly Kacheek is here to set the record straight.

Week - 553

Questioning the Crumpetmonger
by impellent
Description: She was a very hard Meerca to get a hold of, between the scone making and pie baking but when she heard about...

Week - 555

An Interview with the Inflatable Balthazar
by impellent
Description: Through the power of recently developed Dr. Sloth technology, I have managed to secure an interview with none other than the Inflatable Balthazar himself!

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Jhudora's Chance
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Shuzu and Tig in the Office pt 3
So why can't I help?

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Overcome The Heat Of The Month Of Swimming
Make the most of this hot season!

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A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Six
"Dragon's gone to Neopia Central," Moondatta blurted. "Since she can't abandon you, she wants to put Tatsu in the Pound instead!"

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Remember the Citadel
Ten years ago a second kingdom was also discovered, a kingdom whose memory is far less honored or celebrated. Nearly ten years ago, the Darigan Citadel was first spotted hovering on Meridell's horizon...

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