For an easier life Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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We found the following 34 result(s) for the keyword supercheezee

Week - 465

Beyond Random
by supercheezee
Description: That explains... absolutely nothing.

Week - 490

Beyond Random II - The Non-Sequitur Sequel
by supercheezee
Description: In which our protagonist goes out to confront the face of evil (and, no, it's not a Meepit).

Week - 491

Beyond Random III
by supercheezee
Description: Artists who can draw neither cacti nor fishing poles should avoid drawing them. Should.

Week - 494

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 1)
by supercheezee
Description: If it's pink and sparkly, it's evil.

Week - 495

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 2)
by supercheezee
Description: In memory of all my P3s that have passed on. I PROMISE to feed the next generation.

Week - 496

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 3)
by supercheezee
Description: I? Cut and paste pictures? Never!

Week - 497

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 4)
by supercheezee
Description: Unattended corpses will be raised from the dead.

Week - 498

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 5)
by supercheezee
Description: How could he possibly be a bad guy? He has a moustache!

Week - 499

Mr. Slug's Quest (pt. 6)
by supercheezee
Description: Zombies, remember to get your eyes checked twice yearly.

Week - 500

Mr. Slug's Quest (Finale)
by supercheezee
Description: Aw, I just love happy endings.

Week - 501

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: Necromancy is one part dark magic and two parts lawyering.

Week - 502

So Says the Slorg!!
by supercheezee
Description: At the Villains of Neopia Annual Convention...

Week - 504

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: How Karma got stuck with Mr. Slug.

Week - 508

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: I'd almost feel sorry for him, if he wasn't evil.

Week - 510

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: Why Mr. Slug will never conquer Neopia.

Week - 511

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: Guest artist edition!

Week - 515

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: "A Shocking Occurrence in the Battledome" or "Moltara Hath Frozen Over"

Week - 525

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: I'm sure that all of that money was gained through wholly legal means.

Week - 529

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: So says the slorg indeed.

Week - 545

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 1
by supercheezee
Description: The return of the return of the... Aw, forget it.

Week - 546

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 2
by supercheezee
Description: It was a victimless crime.

Week - 547

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 3
by supercheezee
Description: Sure, blame the incompetent artist for the lack of opposable digits.

Week - 548

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 4
by supercheezee
Description: You must be this tall to warrant Dr. Sloth's attention.

Week - 549

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 5
by supercheezee
Description: Naturally, no offense is meant to Elephantes and the artist does not endorse the views of the depicted characters.

Week - 550

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 6
by supercheezee
Description: Don't worry; this sort of thing actually happens quite often.

Week - 551

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 7
by supercheezee
Description: Do you really need to ask about her first two strikes?

Week - 552

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 8
by supercheezee
Description: For an evil genius, he's not all that bright.

Week - 553

Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth Finale
by supercheezee
Description: I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

Week - 558

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: Of Jelly W- argghhh! and its location.

Week - 563

by supercheezee
Description: Stay in school, kids. This message brought to you by the Street Cleaners' Association of Faerieland.

Week - 564

So Says the Slorg!
by supercheezee
Description: Six years and he STILL doesn't know who I am?!

Week - 565

So Says the Slorg!!
by supercheezee
Description: Makes you wonder why we bothered paying to have that wall put up.

Week - 566

So Says the Slorg!!!
by supercheezee
Description: Maybe it's not so odd that Karma is paired up with Mr. Slug after all...

Week - 567

So Says the Slorg.
by supercheezee
Description: Ooga Booga! Ba dun dun!

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