Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 190,097,671 Issue: 568 | 26th day of Collecting, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword petpet_master_

Week - 556

Neopiaprobs #1
by petpet_master_
Description: KADS! Y U SO PICKY

Week - 557

Neopian Fashions Part 1: Brightvale
by petpet_master_
Description: While Brightvale is home to anything and everything knowledgeable, is it also home to some of the finest fashions in Neopian history.

Week - 559

Neopian Fashions Part 2: Kreludor
by petpet_master_
Description: If you want to successfully explore Kreludor, you have got to look the part.

Week - 563

Neopian Fashions Part 3: Faerieland
by petpet_master_
Description: You did not think they just let in whoever they feel like, did you? You have got to look the part!

Week - 568

Neopian Fashions Part 4: Haunted Woods
by petpet_master_
Description: Into the dark realms and inevitable doom of Haunted Woods fashion!

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Ventures #22
Operation T.R.E.K. Part 9. Strangely, that choice of words does NOT make the food any more appetizing.

by neo_coaster363


Out of Line: Cheesy Halloween Strip
A ghost?

by narutoluvr935


Tales from Number Five: Under the Highest Sky - Part Three
"No spell can penetrate those wards. However, I did manage to find a loophole in the enchantments. The spell will stop something that is not a faerie from moving towards Faerieland, but will not stop Faerieland if it moves towards it."

by rider_galbatorix


Ten Ways to Celebrate your Neopian Halloween!
Sure, there are pumpkin patches to visit, costumes to be arranged for your Neopets, even some pre-holiday candy snacking to partake in. But there are tons more ways to celebrate this occasion...

by jhudora96


It's Halloween!!!
But you're a Ghost...

by ilovejonulrich

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