There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 190,097,671 Issue: 568 | 26th day of Collecting, Y14
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Eat Candy?

Candy on the floor? Eat?

by evecat05
Sassi Comics: Halloween Party

*knock, knock*

by seiya_from_ashes
Happy Halloween!!!

How much candy will you get?

Idea by alternative

by cevierakasky

Lame Pun Presents: Treat-R-Treating

Now, For The Candy

by blackaavar
Ventures #22

Operation T.R.E.K. Part 9. Strangely, that choice of words does NOT make the food any more appetizing.

by neo_coaster363
Like Clockwork - Part Three

...That didn't really work.

by keshia_songwings
Mynch Adventures: Halloween

Of course the Usuki Doll is real! -wink wink-

by toffeedatepudding
It's Halloween!!!

But you're a Ghost...

by ilovejonulrich
Trick-or-Treating at the Tax Beast's House

Maybe we should skip his house this year...

by megan713
The Trail to Woe #2

Why do you wear that metal thing on your face?

by _couch_puncher_
P&P: Trick-or-Treat

Happy Halloween!!

Also by johnny_depps_girl101

by mumumuchan

Furs Place

I can't think of a better way to spend Halloween.

by pichu_pikachu_raichu
Help is on the Way!

It's Halloween...

Story by ruben160

by sk390

Literally Crossover ~ Halloween Edition

Don't feed them after midnight!

by pirate_cove
Just Don't Ask - Halloween Crossover

...What do humanitarians eat?

by raynbow_light
Use Your Imagination

A ghost comes out of the ground and stares evilly at you...

by shadowstrand
Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween

He doesn't quite get the concept of Halloween...

by jackjack1234
Saly's Club: Frozen Tricks

Halloween must go on - even if it's buried beneath the snow!

by djudju22_8
The Benefits of Being a Pumpkin JubJub on Halloween

Just think of the possibilities!

by qelato
Halloween Pinatas

Villains like candy too!

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
Hallowe'en is All About the Costume!

Nice costume!

by epicgiggle
Alien Aisha Ears: Trick-or-Treat

Getting the hang of it

by seahorsepond
Welcome To My Life


by jambammer
How Nifty

Happy Halloween!

by kirimiso


by sheik_93
The Goofers - Halloween Special

It's Halloween!

by lintsuf
Cukkerka's Second Halloween

Are you done dressing up?

by pilicaracer
B + B = Catastrophe


Also by brittanyftw

by beekles

A Spooky Halloween, part 4

A startling revelation!

by ghostkomorichu
Happy Pirate Halloween!

The Forgotten Shore can save your Halloween party!

Story by martia_elior

by amarillida

Surreal Dreams - Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Idea by celtic_fiddler

by spirit_of_stallion

A Treat on Halloween...


Also by _sahne_

by nastja_xx

Out of Line: Cheesy Halloween Strip

A ghost?

by narutoluvr935
Edible Nonsense

In other words, the world's laziest costume.

by tic2tac
Ghouls, Ghosts, and... Giggles?

Beware of tricksters this Halloween!

Concept by annrawr

by umbreon133

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Pumpkins Everywhere

The candy, the costumes, the scary, the ugly and THE PUMPKINS. Nobody will deny that the pumpkin themed classics, such as Pumpkin Pot Pie and Screaming Jack-O-Lantern are a definite must this Halloween. But these days the classics are a familiar comfort, that don't quite evoke the same way they used to. So to help those looking to add something new to their Halloween pumpkin collection, I've decided to make a list of some...

Other Stories


The Night of the Brain Tree Fruit
"Fruit! Brain Tree Fruit! Come buy some delicious fruit!"

by msdelirium


A Cautionary Tail
Be careful what you wish for!

by tranqz


Toddlers' Terror: A Guide to Scaring the Training Pants off your Baby Neopet
This is Halloween! It's the one time of year when it's actually socially acceptable to deliberately scare your Neopets half to death, and I'm gonna terrify the nappy off my baby Usul.

by mrs_cherish


Ten Ways to Celebrate your Neopian Halloween!
Sure, there are pumpkin patches to visit, costumes to be arranged for your Neopets, even some pre-holiday candy snacking to partake in. But there are tons more ways to celebrate this occasion...

by jhudora96


Tales from Number Five: Under the Highest Sky - Part Three
"No spell can penetrate those wards. However, I did manage to find a loophole in the enchantments. The spell will stop something that is not a faerie from moving towards Faerieland, but will not stop Faerieland if it moves towards it."

by rider_galbatorix


The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Eight
Caitiry could tell that the foyer of Thorn Bridge Castle's keep was once a beautifully decorated room. Tattered tapestries still clung desperately to the stone walls...

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

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