The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword tealnova_dragon

Week - 444

Revolution Undercloud: Part One
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Cipher sighed happily. It was a beautiful day in Neopia.

Week - 445

Revolution Undercloud: Part Two
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Getting to Faerieland wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Week - 446

Revolution Undercloud: Part Three
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Sloth led him further into the hallway. "I repeat, this plan is very, very simple..."

Week - 447

Revolution Undercloud: Part Four
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Sloth's eyes glittered and he abruptly stopped laughing. "You," he pointed at Cipher, "are to sabotage the potion."

Week - 448

Revolution Undercloud: Part Five
by tealnova_dragon
Description: "Skye," he whispered heartbrokenly. She didn’t recognize him as who he truly was, and it was like meeting a stranger. A hostile stranger.

Week - 449

Revolution Undercloud: Part Six
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Skye's eyes were cold and hard, nothing like the kind Shoyru he had once known...

Week - 450

Revolution Undercloud: Part Seven
by tealnova_dragon
Description: "Skye," he yelled, in between dodging another sticky hand throw. "Don't you recognize me?"

Week - 451

Revolution Undercloud: Part Eight
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Skye was staring up at her captors venomously. "Larry can rot for all I care! You and your stupid, disgusting magic can rot, too!"

Week - 452

Revolution Undercloud: Part Nine
by tealnova_dragon
Description: "I-I I was just r-renewing the spell!" Larry stammered. He wasn't acting like the arrogant Lenny that Cipher knew at all.

Week - 453

Revolution Undercloud: Part Ten
by tealnova_dragon
Description: "Pretty words in your time of greatest peril," Sloth sneered.

Week - 550

Recommended Strategies for the NEXT Milestone Issue!
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Regardless of why you're reading this, maybe some of you might one day like to be among the published writers, able to reap whatever incentive or benefit that you seek. Today, I will reveal some thus far "secret" writing tips that will equip you for the 600th Issue.

Week - 586

Debut At Gadgadsbogen
by tealnova_dragon
Description: Tourists and Natives always did have an interesting relationship...

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The Roleplay Cafe
Got any brains? *snicker*

by purrfect_cookie


Debut At Gadgadsbogen
Tourists and Natives always did have an interesting relationship...

by tealnova_dragon


Elderly Dailies
Sometimes it is not what you're expecting...

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Divisive War
How did you pick?

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Top 10 Mystery Island Souvenirs
A top 10 list of must-have souvenirs to take back home. Each provides that warm inner Mystery Island feeling of bliss and remembrance even when you're away.

by jackie_3_3_3

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