The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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Elderly Dailies

Sometimes it is not what you're expecting...

Idea by sky_lady

by bleeding_marker

Who's the Boss? The Haircut Part 4

You DYED your hair????!?

by mhchristine
Fun with Jhudora


by raisin6
Sketch Parade

The downside of cuteness.

by glitt_
Ungrateful Faeries

Check the label before opening.

by dancing_peppermint

Not everything is meant literally.

by jupebox
Sloppily Colored Funstuffs

Reading is bad, don't do it!

by thesevenwonders
Game Swap: Snow Day


by wailers
Fraidycat's Scare

Fraidycat the cowardly wocky, meets Puppy Love, the kindly zomutt!

by lupeyloonylupin
Tricky Tarla

Go ahead, pick one.

by _blackmoons_
You look different...

Super retro!

by jb_rocky
Freak-out - Illusen's Quest

Right here, Illusen!

by ichigostars
Debut At Gadgadsbogen

Tourists and Natives always did have an interesting relationship...

by tealnova_dragon
Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Don't Mess with Purses

What're ya gonna do?

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

Random Oddness: War of the Obelisk

War? Who cares, it's KANRIK!

by mistyqee
Contrast: You Fight Like a Girl

Ahh, loopholes.

by jojomoonless
Divisive War

How did you pick?

Idea by torkie10

by kevinlin1216

Doglefox Duets: Faction Tips

Is he going to turn around soon?

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
The Roleplay Cafe

Got any brains? *snicker*

by purrfect_cookie
Deranged But Fun


by superzombie
Faction Leaders?

They trust you to get rid of what's around the obelisk while they attend to serious matters.

by natural_gal123
Battle Time!

Boredom can defeat ANYONE!

Idea by maroo1324

by pokevale_12


I don't think it worked.

by afrospoon3
Dressed for Success

"But no, we chose the side that fights with sticks."

by saro_the_legendaerie
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Connect With Nature

Illusen the earth faerie is the most famous Earth faerie around, and is so well loved that she has a special day dedicated to her: March 17th. On this day, Neopians from all over the globe celebrate her life in one way or another, whether it be sending gifts to her glade, wearing green, or connecting with...

Other Stories


How the Peophin Got Its Name
A long time ago, when Neopia had just begun, there lived a species of majestic neopets called armoured Unis.

by stefanie2994


The Elbuort Chronicles: Job Shadowing
"We're supposed to job shadow someone for Career Week," announced Avatar Elbuort one evening at dinner.

by daniecelpines


Let's Go Bananas!
Myncies love bananas.

by dustinismine


Style Guide: St. Patrick's Day Edition
Does anyone know where my red beard is?

by ilovezacandhsm


Infinity II: Control - Part Ten
"That's just it," Dimitri said, speaking awfully calmly considering the situation. "You really believe those stories about The Engineer? I still think they're a little exaggerated."

by blueys45


The Quest!: Part One
Somewhere near the Altadorian docks, two neopets were lying down on the shore observing the color-changing sky as night approached.

by anapaula_p55

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